Our global network

HSBC Commercial Banking operates in 64 countries and territories, covering the developed and developing markets that matter most to our customers. Through our teams of relationship managers we connect businesses to opportunities, helping them to thrive and grow.

We can connect you to opportunities

We work with a wide range of customers providing them with the tools they need to function efficiently. As a member of the HSBC Group, we have the financial strength to support our customers with working capital, term loans and acquisition or project finance, and the expertise to help them raise money from the stock and bond markets.




Download a Country Guide

If you’re looking to expand your business into another country, we can provide expert insight.

Our people and products

Our capacity extends beyond product breadth to knowledgeable people in your domestic and target export markets. We grow our business in line with customers' needs across products, geographies and supply chains.

Our relationship managers are supported by specialists in four fields:

  • Global Trade Solutions provides services and financing for buyers and suppliers throughout the trade cycle, helping them to use working capital efficiently, manage trade risk and fund their supply chains
  • Global Payments Solutions gives businesses greater control over their cash and collections, and helps them to manage their liquidity efficiently. Our e-banking platforms enable customers to make seamless payments between countries and currencies
  • Global Banking provides commercial clients with access to a wide range of capital financing, including debt, equity and advisory services
  • Insurance and Investments offers business and financial protection, trade insurance, employee benefits, corporate wealth management and a variety of other commercial risk insurance products

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Contact us

Call us on:

General enquiry

0508 443 924

Enquiry from overseas

+64 9 368 8880